


Liu J, Cornelius K, Graham M, Leonard T, Tipton A, Yorde A, Sucosky P. Design and Computational Validation of a Novel Bioreactor for Conditioning Vascular Tissue to Time-Varying Multidirectional Fluid Shear Stress. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology. 2019; 10: 531-542.

Young, G., Demir, M., Salman, H., Ermentrout, G.B., Rubin, J.E., 2019. Interactions of Solitary Pulses of E. coli in a One-Dimensional Nutrient Gradient. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 395, pp. 24-36.

Panagiotis Mistriotis*, Emily Wisniewski*, Kaustav Bera, Jeremy Keys, Yizeng Li, Soontorn Tuntithavornwat, Robert A. Law, Nicolas Perez, Eda Erdogmus, Yuqi Zhang, Runchen Zhao, Sean X. Sun, Petr Kalab, Jan Lammerding, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos. Confinement Hinders Motility by Inducing RhoA-Mediated Nuclear Influx, Volume Expansion and Blebbing. J. Cell Biol. 218(12), 4093 – 4111 (2019) (*Equal Contribution) 

Yizeng Li, Lingxing Yao, Yoichiro Mori, Sean X. Sun. On the Energy Efficiency of Cell Migration in Diverse Physical Environments. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116(48), 23894 – 23900 (2019)

Runchen Zhao, Alexandros Afthinos, Tian Zhu, Panagiotis Mistriotis, Yizeng Li, Selma A. Serra, Yuqi Zhang, Christopher L. Yankaskas, Shuyu He, Miguel A. Valverde, Sean X. Sun, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos. Cell Sensing and Decision-Making in Confinement: The role of TRPM7 in the tug of war between hydraulic pressure and cross-sectional area. Sci. Adv. 5(7), eaaw7243 (2019)

Sitong Zhou, Michael Giannetto, James DeCourcey, Hongyi Kang, Ning Kang, Yizeng Li, Suilan Zheng, Hetince Zhao, William R. Simmons, Helen S. Wei, Bodine M. David, Philip S. Low, Maiken Nedergaard, Jiandi Wan. Oxygen tension-mediated erythrocyte membrane interactions regulate cerebral capillary hyperemia. Sci. Adv. 5(5), eaaw4466 (2019)

Debonil Maity, Yizeng Li, Yun Chen, Sean X. Sun. Response of Collagen Matrices under Pressure and Hydraulic Resistance in Hydrogel. Soft Matter 15(12), 2617 – 2626 (2019)


Massé DD, Shar JA, Brown KN, Keswani SG, Grande-Allen KJ, Sucosky P. Discrete Subaortic Stenosis: Perspective Roadmap to a Complex Disease. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2018; 5: 122.

Liu J, Shar JA, Sucosky P. Wall Shear Stress Directional Abnormalities in BAV Aortas: Toward a New Hemodynamic Predictor of Aortopathy? Frontiers in Physiology. 2018; 9: 993.

McNally A, Akingba AG, Sucosky P. Effect of Arteriovenous Graft Flow Rate on Vascular Access hemodynamics in a Novel Modular Anastomotic Valve Device. Journal of Vascular Access. 2018;

Young, G. and Belmonte, A., 2018. Fixation in the stochastic Lotka-Volterra model with small fitness trade-offs. arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.06917. (Submitted to Journal of Mathematical Biology)

Young, G. and Belmonte, A., 2018. Fast cheater migration stabilizes coexistence in a public goods dilemma on networks. Theoretical Population Biology, 121:12-25 (doi: 10.1016/j.tpb.2018.03.007).

Yizeng Li, Sean X. Sun, Transition between actin-driven and water-driven cell migration depends on the external hydraulic resistance. Biophys. J. 114(12), 2965 – 2973 (2018

Florence Yellin, Yizeng Li, Varun K. A. Sreenivasan, Brenda Farrell, Manu B. Johny, David Yue, Sean X. Sun. Electromechanics and Volume Dynamics in Non-excitable Tissue Cells. Biophys. J. 114(9), 2231–2242 (2018) (Featured Article)


2020 - 2021     2016 - 2017


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