
Mathematical Biology Students


  • Jason Shar, PhD (Mechanical Engineering, Mentor: Dr. Philippe Sucosky)
  • Varun Kalaiarasan, BS (Interdisciplinary Engineering, Mentor: Dr. Philippe Sucosky)
  • Christopher Boon (Mathematics, Mentors: Dr. Glenn Young and Dr. Yizeng Li)

    Birla Carbon Scholar Summer 2021 and URCA recipient

    Isabel Ouko (Mathematics, Mentor: Dr. Glenn Young)

    First Year Scholar

    Michaela Crego (Mathematics, Mentor: Dr. Glenn Young)

    Suzan Manasreh (Mathematics, Mentor: Dr. Glenn Young)

    Dylan Stacy (Biochemistry, Mentor: Dr. Yizeng Li)

    First Year Scholar and URCA recipient

  • Undergraduate Students

    Pavan Mayinampati (Mathematics, Mentor: Dr. Glenn Young)

    Birla Carbon Scholar Summer 2020, Currently undergrad at Georgia Tech


If you have any questions about this group, or if you would like to collaborate with or join the group, please do not hesitate to contact us at mathbio@kennesaw.edu