
Minor in Nuclear Engineering

The Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology offers a number of courses leading to a Minor in Nuclear Engineering. The program is offered through the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The purpose of the program is to educate the participating students in the fundamentals of nuclear engineering, nuclear energy conversion, reactor operation, and radiation detection & protection. Graduates can seek career opportunities in the nuclear industry or pursue a graduate degree in Nuclear Engineering.


To receive a minor in Nuclear Engineering, students need to take ENGR 3501 and select four of the five other classes offered under Elective Courses (ENGR 3502, ENGR 4501, ENGR 4502, ENGR 4503, and ENGR 4504)

Required Course

  • Credit Hours: 3

    MATH 2202
    Engineering Standing

    PHYS 2212/ PHYS 2212L

    This course provides an overview of the nuclear sciences field. Topics covered include: basic nuclear physics, radioactivity and radioactive decay process, nuclear reactions, radiation detection, basic health physics, radiation protection, fission and fusion processes, neutron interaction, nuclear energy conversion, different nuclear reactors, reactor operations, reactor control and basic nuclear fuel cycle.

Elective Courses

  • Credit Hours: 3

    ENGR 3501
    Engineering Standing

    The detection and measurement of radiation is an integral component of the nuclear sciences field. This course covers the sources and properties of nuclear radiation, mechanism of radiation interaction with matter, detection methods and in particular detection of ionizing radiation that are of primary interest in nuclear power generation as well as medical and industrial applications. Various types of radiation detectors, neutron detection techniques and counting statistics are also discussed.

  • Credit Hours: 3

    ENGR 3501
    Engineering Standing

    This course covers the principles of nuclear energy conversion to electric power. The content of the course includes: fundamentals of energy conversion, fission reactors, design and construction of light water reactors with emphasis on boiling water and pressurized water reactors, gas cooled reactors, fast breeder reactors, thermal and structural analysis of reactors and plant components, safety elements and accident prevention systems. The economic feasibility of nuclear power plants will also be discussed.

  • Credit Hours: 3

    ENGR 3501
    Engineering Standing

    This course covers the fundamentals of individual and population health protection against the harmful effects of radiation Topics included are: different sources of radiation, interaction of radiation with matter, radiation exposure principles and measurement, relationship between radiation exposure and biological damage, radiation protection and safety standards and guidelines, radiation protection instrumentation, internal and external radiation protection, pathways of radiation movement in the environment and radiation shielding.

  • Credit Hours: 3

    ENGR 3501
    Engineering Standing

    The feasibility and operation of nuclear power plants is directly influenced by the availability of suitable nuclear fuel as well as acceptable methods of disposal of nuclear waste. This course covers the progression of the nuclear fuel through different stages of mining, milling, processing, enrichment, fabrication and use in reactors, interim storage, reprocessing and disposal. The environmental impact of nuclear waste, economics of nuclear fuel cycle, challenges and solutions in management of radioactive waste and the prevailing regulations, standards and best practices are discussed.

  • Credit Hours: 3

    ENGR 3501 
    Engineering Standing

    The objective of this course is to provide an understanding and knowledge about the operational aspects of a variety of nuclear power plant designs. The course integrates the previous studies in nuclear engineering and reactor power generation into safe design and operation of nuclear power plants. This course covers different reactor designs, normal operations and response to abnormal conditions and potential accident situations. Focus is placed on reactor physics fundamentals, defense in-depth, reactor start-up, normal ramp-up and operations, transient conditions, reactor feedback, reactor control, accident scenarios, and safe shut-down.

Program Total (15 Credit Hours)