
Instructional Labs

  • Introduction

    mechatronics engineering studentsIntroduction to Mechatronics Engineering Lab teaches students about robotics, by using the VEX robotics platform, and gives hands on examples of how the different aspects of STEM are all used in the field of robotics. This lab also introduces the VEX robotics CLAWBOT, and uses it as a platform to introduce students to the different subsystems within the VEX platform and how they interact together by using digital and analog sensors. Students put this knowledge into practice as they follow step-by-step directions to build their first robot, program it using remote and autonomous control and ultimately participate in an in house VEX robotics competition.  

    • mechatronics engineering robotHardware
           VEX robotic Kits
    • Software

    Location: Engineering Technology Center, Building Q
    Room Q-118 Dale Heatherington Mechatronics Lab

  • Introduction

    Intermediate programming for Mechatronics Lab covers programming topics relevant for Mechatronics Engineering, using tools such as C++, Arduino, and Python. The focus is towards acquiring analog, digital, and camera sensor data, motor control, pneumatics, etc. The lab also has a color sorting robot system, PI controlled minicars, DC motor control with Arduino, 2D tracking, serial communication, and image processing for students learning.mechatronics mobile robot

    • Hardware
           Color sorting robots
    • Software
           Anduino IDE

    mechatronics panel

    Location: Engineering Technology Center, Building Q
    Room Q-242


  • Introduction

    Mechatronics Engineering Fundamentals Lab teaches fundamental skills for the mechatronics engineer. 

    Topics Include:

    1. Creating electronics circuits using diode, LEDs and Transistors.
    2. A mobile robot programming using the Robot Operating System (ROS).
    3. Perform robot kinematics with principles of obstacle avoidance.
    4. Sensors and actuators, especially pneumatics.
    5. DC motors programming and interfacing with the AVR microcontroller.

    mechatronics mobile robot

    • Hardware
           ROS bots
           Pneumatics Test Bench
    • Software
           Robot Operating System     

    Location: Engineering Technology Center, Building Q,
    Room Q-118 Dale Heatherington Mechatronics Lab
    Room Q-242

  • Introduction

    mechatronics labFluid Power is the Robotics and Mechatronics course equivalent to Fluid Dynamics. Fluid Power has a heavier focus in motors and pumps which is more useful to graduates in our field. The lab focuses heavily on understanding and creating fluid simulations and diagrams. Students will have the chance to examine hands on equipment such as the FESTO Manufacturing Production system and to create fluid simulations from it as well as work with and control the FESTO Process Control Training Bench. Students will show mastery by being able to create many different fluid control simulations using a variety of components.

    fluid power set up

    • Hardware
           FESTO Manufacturing Production System(including Fanuc Robot)
           FESTO Process Control Training Bench
    • Software

    Location: Engineering Technology Center, Building Q,
    Room Q-118 and Q-110

  • Introduction

    mechatronics control lab water tank

    This is a laboratory course designed to complement the modeling and feedback controls topics also covered in MTRE4001. Feedback Control (PID Control), Model Identification, MATLAB/Simulink Modeling, and Process Control are studied and analyzed using simulations and physical experiments. 

    • Hardware
           Couple Water Tank System
           Electro Motors
    • Software
      QUARC- Realtime Control Software

    feedback control lab water tank

    Location: Engineering Technology Center, Building Q,
    Room Q-110 (water tank set up)
    Room Q-336 (electromotor set up)


  • Introduction

    mechatronics computer labInstruments and Controls teaches student the fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). It uses a program called Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) portal to program the Siemens PLC to do various tasks to demonstrate knowledge and understanding. Students will have hands on learning and programming of PLCs as well as demonstrations and hands on trouble shooting of the larger Kawasaki Robotic arms with fully integrated Vanderlande Conveyor System. Students will demonstrate their mastery of their PLC use with a culminating project of fully programming the MiniFESTO Pick and Place system.

    • mechatronics robot labHardware
           Siemens PLC controllers
           MiniFesto Pick and place system
           FESTO Manufactiromg Production System (Including Fanuc Robot)
           FESTO Process Control Training Bench
           Kawasaki Robots and Vanderlande Conveyor System fully integrated
           Integrated unit using Misubishi robot
    • Software
           Totally integrated Automation (TIA) portal
           Siemens Produc Lifestyle Management (PLM)

    Location: Engineering Technology Center, Building Q,
    Room Q-110
    Room Q-118 Dale Heatherington Mechatronics Lab
    Room Q121


  • Introduction

    Kinova Robotic Arm
    Kinova Robotic Arm

    The 鈥淩obotics Analysis and Synthesis鈥 course introduces coordinate transformations, kinematics/dynamics modeling, control system design, and path/trajectory planning of robotic arms. A state-of-the-art robotic arm, the Kinova arm, provides students a versatile and safe robotic platform to explore and validate the robotics knowledge learned from the classroom. The Kinova arm has 7 joints and a 3-finger robotic hand, which is adaptable for varying levels of expertise to test and perform simple or complex grasping and manipulation tasks. In addition, the course also utilizes ROS (Robot Operating System) to implement simulations and control of a robotic arm.

         The Kinova robotic arm
         ROS (Robot Operating System), MatLab

    Location: Engineering Technology Center, Building Q
    Room Q-242