
Lab Tests

Static Tests

Static load tests were conducted on centilever basket-beams to evaluate the stiffness of the wire basket alone. Test results showed that minor improvements to wire basket construction can lead to promising performance.

  • wire_basket_1

    Cantilever load testing of a triangular wall section.

    • wire_basket_2

      A beam made from welded wire with triangular cross section (Load ~ 85 kg (187 lbs), clear span=7.5 ft, max deflection ~ 4.5in).

      • wire_basket_3

        Using a total station to measure deflections.

        • wire_basket_4

          Using a total station to measure deflections.

          Dynamic Tests

          Shake table tests were conducted on several scaled models and one full scale 1ft wide wall section at ATS facility in Marietta. 

          • dynamic_1

            A full scale wall section was tested for consolidation on a 3ft by 3ft shake table at ATS.

            • dynamic_2

              6.7 times scaled wall model tested on a 3ft by 3ft shake table under a ground motion in all three directions